Campagne de développement / Vous engager


Are you eager to share your vision of the future and participate in building the world of tomorrow? Associate your name with the excellence of Sorbonne University: support the "Welcome to the Future" campaign and finance projects with an international ambition and cultural, social, scientific, medical and educational innovations.


As a company

The mobilisation of businesses—whether for a financial investment, a donation in kind or a gift of skills—is a key success factor in the Sorbonne University strategic plan. 
Within the framework of a long-term partnership, you are involved in a field that is in line with the campaign's priorities, in accordance with your business sector and your innovation strategy:

  • Expand an interdisciplinary approach through the creation of research chairs;
  • Nurture talent through the funding of scholarships and bursaries;
  • Build a stimulating environment by acquiring state-of-the-art equipment or implementing projects to modernise or renovate our infrastructures.

As a sponsor, and in return for the commitment made, your company benefits from exclusive advantages (putting you in touch with researchers, students and others).

Circle Amount of donation Your benefits
Platinum Circle > €3 M  

- Invitation to the annual dinner of the President of the Sorbonne University
- Possibility of associating the name of the donor with an amphitheatre/building if the donation is not dedicated, with the project if the donation is dedicated (name of the Chair, Scholarships, for example)
- Seat in the circle of patrons of the Foundation's Board of Directors

Golden Circle €1.5 M to €3 M

- One-on-one meetings with a researcher, a fellow or a lab director
- Visit of a museum or a prestigious place of the Sorbonne University 
- Possibility of associating the name of the donor with a facility or a room of the Sorbonne University (e.g. working room in the library...)

Silver Circle €500, 000 to €1.5 M

- Group visit to a laboratory, a research centre 
- Possibility of using a "prestige" room of the Zamansky Tower once a year

Founders €100, 000 to €499, 999

- Regular and personalised information on funded projects (e.g. videos of research teams, videos of grantees, sending of the project's annual report, etc.) 
- Mention of the donor's name on the "donor wall" 
- Invitations to campaign events

Benefactors €50, 000  to €99, 999 - Monthly invitation to Sorbonne University events: lectures, concerts, events and exhibitions 
- Publication of the donor's name in the activity report 
- Invitation to an annual meeting with researchers
Friends of Sorbonne University €15, 000 to €49, 999 - Sending of the foundation's activity report 
- Publication of the donor's name on the foundation's website 
- Access to the Sorbonne University Libraries

Your tax benefits

Donations made by companies as a sponsorship are deductible from corporation tax up to 60% of the amount paid within the limit of 5 per thousand (0.5%) of turnover excluding tax (Art 238 bis of the CGI). When the amount of the tax reduction exceeds the annual limit, the unallocated balance may be carried forward for the payment of the tax due for the next five years (or financial years).

    Your contact

    Anne-Lydie Ardiet

    Head of Corporate Sponsorship and Foundations

    As a private individual

    You can support our "Welcome to the Future" campaign with a tax-deductible donation. You are free to choose the amount of your commitment and allocate it to the project of your choice. In this way, you will help Sorbonne University to expand its interdisciplinary approach, nurture talent and build a stimulating environment for students, researchers and teachers.

    How to make a donation:

    • By credit card or direct debit from our secure website. It's quick and easy.
    • By cheque payable to Fondation Sorbonne Université. Print the support form, send it duly completed with your cheque to the following address: Fondation Sorbonne Université, 4 place Jussieu, BC 600, 75005 Paris.
    • By SEPA Direct Debit: print the direct debit mandate and send it duly completed with your bank details to Fondation Sorbonne Université - 4 place Jussieu - BC 600 - 75005 Paris.
    • For European residents: possibility of making a donation from Europe via Transnational Giving Europe. Contact the Foundation by email.
    • As a resident of the United States you can benefit from a tax reduction via the Friends of Fondation Sorbonne Université on the King Baudouin Foundation United States
    Circle Amount of donation Your benefits
    Platinum Circle > €50, 000

    - Invitation to the annual dinner of the President of Sorbonne University 
    - Possibility of associating the name of the donor with an amphitheatre/building if the donation is not dedicated, with the project if the donation is dedicated (name of the Chair or Scholarships, for example.)
    - Seat in the circle of patrons of the Foundation's Board of Directors

    Golden Circle €10, 000 to €49, 999 - One-on-one meetings with a researcher, a fellow or a lab director. 
    - Visit to a museum or a prestigious place of the Sorbonne University 
    - Possibility of associating the name of the donor with a facility or a room of the Sorbonne University (e.g. working room in the library)
    Silver Circle €5, 000 to €9, 999 - Group visit to a laboratory, a research centre 
    - Possibility of using a "prestige" room of the Zamansky Tower once a year
    Founders €1, 000 to €4, 999 - Regular and personalised information on funded projects (e.g. videos of research teams, videos of grantees, sending of the project's annual report, etc.) 
    - Mention of the donor's name on the "donor wall" 
    - Invitations to campaign events
    Benefactors €100 to €999 - Monthly invitation to Sorbonne University events: lectures, concerts, events and exhibitions. 
    - Publication of the donor's name in the activity report 
    - Invitation to an annual meeting with researchers
    Friends of Sorbonne University ≤ €99

    - Sending of the foundation's activity report 
    - Publication of the donor's name on the foundation's website 
    - Access to the Sorbonne University Libraries


    Your tax advantages

    Income tax (IR): your donation to the Foundation entitles you to a reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your support, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income (art. 200 of the CGI).

    Through your donations to the Sorbonne University Foundation, you can participate in the "Welcome to the Future" campaign and support our research projects, education or the University's infrastructures, while reducing your IFI.

    The 2018 Finance Bill confirmed the abolition of the Wealth Solidarity Tax (ISF) as of 1 January 2018 and its replacement by the Real Estate Wealth Tax (IFI), which now applies to real estate assets not allocated to the professional activity of their owner. Investments in SMEs are no longer deductible from the IFI.

    The Real Estate Wealth Tax (IFI) is calculated on net taxable real estate assets above 1.3 million euros, i.e. on the value of real estate (fixed or movable) that are taxable after the deduction of debts, as of 1 January of the year. 

    You can reduce your tax and even reduce your IFI to zero by making a donation to the Sorbonne University Foundation if you stay within the 50,000 euro deduction limit. The calculation is simple - divide the amount of your Real Estate Tax by 0.75. For example, if you have to pay €1,500 in Real Estate Tax, you can deduct your tax in full by making a donation of €2,000.

    If you make your donation online, you will receive your tax receipt immediately by email, and it will reach you by mail in the next few weeks. It will not be necessary to attach the tax receipt showing the IFI tax reduction. However, the tax authorities are entitled to request it in the event of an audit.

    You can also support Sorbonne University and benefit from tax benefits, via a bequest, a life insurance policy, a temporary donation of usufruct, a donation of shares...


    For a donation of You deduct from your IR Your donation becomes 
    30 Eur 19.80 Eur 10.20 Eur
    60 Eur 39.60 Eur 20.40 Eur
    100 Eur 66 Eur 34 Eur
    150 Eur 99 Eur 51 Eur
    300 Eur 225 Eur 75 Eur
    1 000 Eur 750 Eur 250 Eur
    5 000 Eur 3 750 Eur 1 250 Eur
    10 000 Eur 7 500 Eur 2 500 Eur


    Your contact

    Legacy: passing on your assets in a will

    A bequest is a gift that a person can will to another person. As of today, you can make a bequest to the Fondation Sorbonne Université. 
    Until the day of his or her death, the donor remains the owner of the bequest and can modify his or her will in whole or in part. 
    Your bequest may be for any type of property: real estate, furniture, stocks, bonds, cash, etc. 
    To be valid, a will must respect certain formalities. You can, for example, make an authentic will with the assistance of a notary. You can also make a holographic will on your own, written in full, dated and signed by you. 
    Any bequest to the Sorbonne University Foundation is exempt from transfer tax.

    Buying life insurance

    The life insurance agreement, a savings and capitalisation tool, can enable you to pass on capital to a beneficiary. 
    If you choose to take out life insurance, you can name the Fondation Sorbonne Université as the sole beneficiary or as one of several beneficiaries, specifying the percentage you wish to grant it. 


    Your contact

    Mélina Mercier

    Executive Director of the Sorbonne University Foundation


    Discover our courses catalog


    The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

    Study | at the faculty of medicine

    One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

    Associative life

    One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

    21 393


    17 527



    Doctors in medecine and research


    Research centers

    Welcome to Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

    A unique combination of courses and expertise

    Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


    Research & Innovation

    We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

    Study at | The Faculty of Science & Engineering

    Our campuses offer different and unique experiences to our students, visitors and staff. Resources and support services are also available to ensure an equal chance at success to all.

    Campus Life

    In addition to the cultural activities and events organised throughout the year by our clubs and societies, the Parismus society organises numerous events, evenings and cultural visits that will help you discover France and its parisian life.







    Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oriented towards excellence