Etudiants travaillant sur des ordinateurs, bibliothèque Ascoli

Commitment to open science

Commitment to open science

Commitment to open science and open access to scientific publications

Sorbonne University is committed to open science and free access to scientific publications. Its researchers are encouraged to file their publications in the Sorbonne University HAL open archive as soon as they are published.

To support research staff, the Publications & Open Access Department of the Sorbonne University Library answers questions relating to the publication of their work, its open access dissemination, and offers training and awareness-raising activities on the issues, tools and best open science practices.

Deposit a publication with the HAL Sorbonne Université

By mutual agreement, Sorbonne University, its research staff and doctoral students agree to respect a charter concerning open access to publications. By depositing the full text of any article in the open archive HAL at Sorbonne University as soon as it’s published and then referencing the author’s other types of publications, research staff and PhD students contribute to the open access dissemination of their publications. Sorbonne University supports them by facilitating the depositing of publications, by ensuring their long-term archiving and by training the University community in the best practices of open access.

The Sorbonne University Charter on open access to publications provides the following:

  • An awareness of the academic community of the societal and scientific issues of open access and open science 
  • Local transposition of national policies for the implementation of open access and the facilitation of the depositing and reporting of publications in the Sorbonne University HAL
  • Supporting research staff and doctoral students in the publication process.
  • The promotion of "bibliodiversity" in the spirit of the Jussieu Call. 

The research staff and doctoral students of Sorbonne University commit to:

  • Act in favour of open science and open access to publications in the exercise of their various responsibilities 
  • Check the adequacy of publishing contracts with the Sorbonne University's policy on open access.
  • Privilege open access over a hybrid publication when an article is subject to publication charges (Article Processing Charges)
  • Create and use IdHAL and ORCID identifiers that allow them to unambiguously identify themselves as authors of their publications and promote the visibility of their scientific production. 

Download the open access policy document, voted at the Research Commission of the Academic Council on 28 March 2019 

Open research data policy within the Sorbonne University Alliance

Since its creation, the Sorbonne University Alliance has chosen to be fully involved in the open science movement, allowing access to knowledge for all. With this in mind, it is committed to opening up the results of the research produced within its institutions and promoting their dissemination, in order to share with citizens the fruits of their contribution to public research and to develop a trustworthy science.
Taking up for itself the terms of the Sorbonne declaration on research data rights of 27 January 20201 , the Sorbonne University Alliance recalls that :


  • Access to and sharing of data enables the development of new knowledge and accelerates discoveries for the benefit of society, while promoting economic development and employment;
  • It must be possible to share and re-use research data freely.


Download the Sorbonne Declaration on Research Data Rights.

The International Research Data Rights Summit, was held at Sorbonne University on Monday, January 27, 2020. This initiative brought together intensive research universities from nine major networks in major regions of the world. It was an opportunity to sign the "Declaration of the Sorbonne" on the research data rights. This text energetically affirms the universities' willingness to share their data while firmly calling on governments to adopt a clear legal framework to regulate this sharing and to provide the means to put it in place.

Co-organized by Sorbonne University, the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) and the University College of London (UCL), this data summit is unprecedented in its scale: nine networks representing more than 160 of the main research-intensive universities in the world. The signing of the “Sorbonne Declaration” is an ambitious message to the international scientific community and to research funding bodies and governments. This framework document, intended to promote the sharing and proper use of data, calls on the public and private research communities to join this commitment. It also confronts governments and research funders with their responsibilities of providing universities with the financial means and the appropriate legal framework to open data.

This is an essential issue for the quality and transparency of research. It is also a crucial economic issue: funded largely by public money, research data represents tens of billions of euros worldwide. The objective is therefore to make these data accessible in order to accelerate scientific discoveries and economic development. For example, in Europe, according to a PwC1 report produced by the European Commission, sharing and better managing research data would save 10.2 billion euros per year in Europe, with an additional potential of 16 billion euros of added value by the innovation generated.

The Participants are driving this change by proposing concrete solutions to restore confidence in public research and accelerate the development of knowledge and the economy.

[1] Cost of not having FAIR research data, PwC EU Services, March 2018

The signatory networks:

The Sorbonne University Library and the Doctoral Education Institute are committed to implementing the systematic training of scientific personnel, especially young researchers, in Open Science.

Training in Open Science issues

The objective of these modules is to understand how to use the HAL Sorbonne University portal to deposit works as soon as they are published. In practice, participants are trained in the legal conditions of the open access repository and in the use of the portal to implement this repository. The different aspects of the HAL are presented: authors' affiliations, interactions with PubMed, PubMed Central, arXiV and OpenAIRE, complementary tools (IdHAL, CV HAL, AureHAL), among others.

> Catalogue and registrations on the intranet

Training in the depositing of publications in HAL

The objective of these modules is to understand how to use the HAL Sorbonne Université portal to deposit works as soon as they are published. In practice, participants are trained in the legal conditions of the open access repository and in the use of the portal to implement this repository. The different aspects of the HAL are presented: authors' affiliations, interactions with PubMed, PubMed Central, arXiV and OpenAIRE, complementary tools (IdHAL, CV HAL, AureHAL), among others.

> Find out more about the intranet

Support in writing a Data Management Plan (DMP)

The library offers personalized support to write a data management plan. Sessions can be organized on request for a laboratory. Individual meetings, face-to-face or remotely, can also be scheduled to help draft the three versions of a DMP. The library administers the OPIDoR DMP tool, which can be used to write team DMPs, and can make presentations.

Since its creation, the Sorbonne University Alliance has chosen to be fully involved in the open science movement, allowing access to knowledge for all. With this in mind, it is committed to opening up the results of the research produced within its institutions and promoting their dissemination, in order to share with citizens the fruits of their contribution to public research and to develop a trustworthy science.

Download the text presented during the Research Commission on June 24, 2021:

Policy for promoting open science actions in the internal evaluation of research

Agreement on the reform of research evaluation

In 2022, Sorbonne University signed the agreement on the reform of research evaluation which lists ten commitments to establish a common policy bringing together universities, research centres and institutes, evaluation agencies as well as public and private research funders.

Read the press release




Training for researchers and academic researchers

The Sorbonne University Library, in partnership with the Staff Training Department, offers support on the principles, tools and practices of open science.
If you are wondering what open science is, how to meet the requirements of funders, how to make a data management plan, how to share and archive your data and source codes, or how to manage your academic digital identifiers, the library team is at your disposal to accompany you.


Departement of Publications & Open Access at the Sorbonne University Library:

Research Data Missions:


Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

21 393


17 527



Doctors in medecine and research


Research centers

Welcome to Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

A unique combination of courses and expertise

Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


Research & Innovation

We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

Study at | The Faculty of Science & Engineering

Our campuses offer different and unique experiences to our students, visitors and staff. Resources and support services are also available to ensure an equal chance at success to all.

Campus Life

In addition to the cultural activities and events organised throughout the year by our clubs and societies, the Parismus society organises numerous events, evenings and cultural visits that will help you discover France and its parisian life.







Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oriented towards excellence