Sciences avec et pour la société : le projet « SUAVES » sélectionné par l’ANR
Sciences avec et pour la société : le projet « SUAVES » sélectionné par l’ANR
  • Culture
  • Research

Sciences with and for society: the "SUAVES" project selected by the ANR

"Visual Arts and Scientific Experiences" (SUAVES) is one of the projects selected by the French National Research Agency (ANR) following the call for projects "Science with and for society—scientific, technical and industrial culture".

This first call entitled "SAPS-CSTI-AAPG18/19" was designed to implement actions of communication, mediation and scientific technology transfer around the issues, methods and results of research projects supported by the ANR in the framework of the 2018 and 2019 generic calls for projects. The ANR will thus provide additional funding of €5.1 million over three years for these projects. The €150,000 allocated to Sorbonne University is for a joint action promoting the 38 ANR winning projects in 2018-2019. The challenge for Sorbonne University was to imagine an original mediation program to promote these 38 eligible research projects within the university.

The objective of the proposed program is to show, through photographic work, the diversity of the research being carried out, its actors, its places and its objects. The exchanges between the artist-photographer and the prize-winning scientists will be guided by a question: "How to show and represent one's research? Stories and comments made by the researchers will support and explain the visual work.

These images and narratives will be the basis for several mediation formats designed to reach a variety of audiences, not necessarily familiar with the world of research. This work will be promoted through an exhibition that will be displayed throughout the Île-de-France region and beyond.

The steering committee, chaired by Pierre-Marie Chauvin, Vice President of Arts, Sciences, Culture and Society, will be set up in September to carry out the various stages of the project over the next three years. The project will be managed by the Science, Culture and Society Department, in close collaboration with the coordinators of the winning projects in the faculties, the photographer, who will be chosen in the coming weeks, and the faculty and university departments concerned.

Since its creation in 2018, Sorbonne University has affirmed its commitment to act with and for society. Obtaining the "Science with and for Society" certification in November 2021 commits the university to strengthening its policy and developing the visibility of actions in the fields of the arts, sciences and culture, which range from mediation to the promotion of research work, involvement in open and participatory sciences, the contributions of scientists in the media, and promoting its cultural, scientific and intellectual heritage.


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The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

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