Conférence 5 - Hubert Gatignon

President of the FNEGE “comité anti-plagiat”, Prof. Gatignon will present the ethical principles and behavior in research and particularly in publishing process of research results

Conference overview

While academic disciplines such as medicine have already addressed ethical issues in research, the social sciences have only recently begun to formalize appropriate rules and norms – and then only in reaction to several high-profile cases of abuse. These ethical issues are present throughout the entire research process, up to and including the publication process where we have to address cases of plagiarism for example. 

The violation of ethical rules of conduct is many times unintended and their authors are often surprised when someone accuses them of misconduct such as plagiarism.  Yet the presumed victim suffers not only from losing the rights to the work that may have been stolen from them, but also will often fear negative consequences of confronting the person they accuse.

As the President of the FNEGE “comité anti-plagiat”, I realized that we needed to spell out principles and rules regarding what is unethical behavior.  Our objective is to inform researchers of issues they need to be cognizant of throughout the research process.  This involves knowing better what editors, reviewers and authors must do or avoid to prevent being in a situation where their research may not be publishable or a publication may have to be withdrawn.

This presentation will cover specific ethical principles and behavior that have become international norms that researchers must conform to during the research and in the publication process, as well as the norms that colleagues involved in the publishing process (i.e., editors and reviewers) must adhere to.  

The lecturer

Professor Hubert Gatignon is the Claude Janssen Chaired Professor of Business Administration Emeritus at INSEAD and Emeritus Professor of Marketing. 
He joined INSEAD in 1994 from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where he was Professor of Marketing. He holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of California, Los Angeles and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from Université Paul Cézanne-Aix Marseille.
Hubert Gatignon’s research interests involve marketing strategy and especially innovation strategies, as well as international marketing strategy. He published a lot of scientific articles in Communications Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Behavior, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science, Planning Review, and in Strategic Management Journal. He has recently published a book in two « Making innovation Last: Sustained strategies for long term Growth ».
Pr. Gatignon has been Editor-in-Chief of of Recherche et Applications en Marketing (1998-2000) and The International Journal of Research in Marketing (2000-2006), and Associate Editor of the Journal of Marketing Research (2006-2016).  He served on the editorial boards of specialized journals in marketing. 
He has co-chaired the 1998 Informs Marketing Science Conference and has chaired several tracks of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators Conferences. He has been an Academic Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute and an Academic Trustee at AiMark (Center for Advanced International Marketing Knowledge).
Professor Gatignon served as Dean of Faculty at INSEAD (1995-2001), Dean of the PhD program at INSEAD (2001-2006), Chair of the Marketing area (2011-2014). He is also member of the board and represent SEAD at Sorbonne Université.


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