Pourquoi s’associer au Collège doctoral de Sorbonne Université ?

Combining forces with the Doctoral College

The added value that the doctorate represents, all disciplines combined, are increasingly recognized, particularly in terms of innovation. Thus, the socio-economic world is becoming more and more interested in PhDs and, conversely, PhDs are developing more and more links and connections with businesses and entrepreneurship.

Combining forces with the Doctoral College

Boost your attractiveness to our doctoral candidates by participating in events organised throughout the year

  • Meet-ups & networking
  • Company visits
  • Testimonials from doctors   
  • Breakfasts & round tables
  • Recruitment & Career Forums
  • Entrepreneurial Seminar
  • Communication about your own events: Prizes and Fondation d'Entreprises competition...

Recruiting high potential candidates
Hire a doctor of science and engineering or a doctor of arts, humanities and social sciences for their multiple skills.
Doctors of Sorbonne University are professionals at the forefront of their discipline, with several years of experience that have given them the skills to manage complex research and innovation projects at the international level in teams, where it has often been necessary to confront the unexpected, explore alternative pathways, persevere... all in accordance with professional ethics.
Feel free to post your job and CIFRE offers with our career centre (Jobteaser)

Sharing common interests through consulting or expert assignments*.
Expert assignments allow the skills of doctoral candidates to be put at the service of a company, local authority, administration, association or foundation and to contribute to the success of a project over an assignment lasting no more than 32 days: audit and methodological advice, technical and scientific advice, technological intelligence, feasibility study, bibliographical analysis, staff training, experiments... 
Companies and institutions can thus benefit from highly qualified personnel, and the assignment allows doctoral candidates to enrich their professional experience.

*When recruiting a doctor or an expert, under certain conditions you may benefit from the Research Tax Credit (CIR).

Contact and information

Mickaël Le Guen

Collège doctoral
Département formation et carrières
Relations entreprises


Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

21 393


17 527



Doctors in medecine and research


Research centers

Welcome to Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

A unique combination of courses and expertise

Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


Research & Innovation

We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

Study at | The Faculty of Science & Engineering

Our campuses offer different and unique experiences to our students, visitors and staff. Resources and support services are also available to ensure an equal chance at success to all.

Campus Life

In addition to the cultural activities and events organised throughout the year by our clubs and societies, the Parismus society organises numerous events, evenings and cultural visits that will help you discover France and its parisian life.







Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oriented towards excellence