Doctorat - Le doctorat en chiffres
  • Doctorat

Apply Now: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)

Sorbonne University is the top hosting higher education institution for MSCA postdoctoral fellows in FranceDiscover how to apply.

  • From May 12th to September 14th

  • 00:00

Why should you apply for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships? 

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (previously MSCA Individual fellowships) is a competitive funding scheme of the European Commission’s framework program Horizon Europe. It offers an attractive salary (including family and mobility allowances) and research funds to excellent young researchers, to promote the career development and training of researchers in all scientific disciplines through international and intersectoral mobility.

Eligible candidates can be of any age and citizenship. They must have less than 8 years of research experience after their PhD, and comply with the mobility rule (move within European countries or coming from outside the EU). They must propose an original research project together with a supervisor from an EU host institution. Secondments can also be included to another institution or private company.

Call opening on: May 12, 2022

Deadline for applications: September 14, 2022


Where can I study, and who should I contact?

Sorbonne University has 3 Faculties and 115 research units in several campuses in Paris, as well as 3 marine stations in Roscoff, Banyuls and Villefranche.


Faculty of Science and Engineering

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Environment etc. 

Discover our research units.

Contact the faculty. 


Faculty of Medicine 

Discover our research units. 

Contact the faculty. 


Faculty of Humanities

Discover our research units. 

Contact the faculty. 


What support is offered to applicants from Sorbonne University?

The department of Research and Innovation, and the Research Support Offices in the 3 Faculties offer tailored support to MSCA-PF candidates:

  • Assistance with finding  a supervisor in Sorbonne University research units
  • Master class (June each year) on how to write a successful MSCA-PF proposal
  • Toolbox for writing tips and the Sorbonne University environment in training, research and infrastructures
  • Support with Proposal Writing and submission (an early contact is strongly recommended, only advanced stages proposals will be reviewed).


More information


Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

21 393


17 527



Doctors in medecine and research


Research centers

Welcome to Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

A unique combination of courses and expertise

Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


Research & Innovation

We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

Study at | The Faculty of Science & Engineering

Our campuses offer different and unique experiences to our students, visitors and staff. Resources and support services are also available to ensure an equal chance at success to all.

Campus Life

In addition to the cultural activities and events organised throughout the year by our clubs and societies, the Parismus society organises numerous events, evenings and cultural visits that will help you discover France and its parisian life.







Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oriented towards excellence