Lecture 9 - Michèle Leduc

Conference overview

Plagiarism is a serious infringement of scientific integrity. It affects the relationship of trust both within the scientific community and between scientists and citizens. A global definition will be given of plagiarism in its different forms encountered in the academic world, ranging from copying published texts without explicit reference to the source, up to misappropriation of somebody else’s research results or ideas. Special focus will be given to the diversity and complexity of the concept of “self-plagiarism”, which applies to authors who reuse the content of their own work without citing it, as if the results were new. Recommendations will be given for combating plagiarism, preventing it or acting should it occur.

The lecturer

Michèle LEDUC is a physicist, research director emeritus at CNRS. Her career in atomic physics took place at the Ecole Normale supérieure (ENS) in the laboratory Kastler-Brossel. She conducted academic research on the physics of quantum gases at low temperatures. She is now the director of the Francilien Institute for Research on Cold atoms (IFRAF).
Michèle LEDUC published more than hundred articles in journals of specialties such as Physical Review Letters, Physics Journal, Laser Physics; The Lancet,...
She was also interested in the applications of her research for which she earned several awards and registered three patents.
In parallel, Michèle LEDUC exercised numerous functions in the management, the steering and the policy of Research.
Her prestigious career led her to be an adviser in the “Ministère de la Recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur”.
Michèle LEDUC got involved a lot in the publishing field (founder of the collection "Savoirs actuels" and of the collection "Introduction à …") and in the promotion of physics, scientific culture and valuation of research. She is the author of numerous articles of popularization in Physics and is a member founder of the association "Femmes et Sciences".
She is member and the former founding president of The French Federation of Scientific Societies (F2S), a group of scientific companies which aims at promoting the image of science and technology and related professions.
Michèle LEDUC is very involved in the ethics committee of the CNRS (COMETS) she presided until 2016 and of which she is still a member. She is also a member of the Scientific Integrity Board of the newly created French Office of scientific integrity.
Michèle LEDUC was appointed Commandeur de l’Ordre du Mérite et Commandeur de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur.



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