Volodymyr Zelensky échange avec les étudiants de France
  • University

Volodymyr Zelensky in Dialogue with the French Youth

It was a powerful moment. On Wednesday, May 11, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke via videoconference to French students from Sorbonne University, Sciences Po, INSP, Polytechnique, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Inalco. For more than an hour, President Zelensky spoke on a wide range of subjects, including: Europe, NATO, the reception of refugees and war crimes. This exchange was viewed by some 8,000 Internet users and by a large student community in many lecture halls in France.

"Today is the 77th day of the large-scale war against Russia, which began precisely 77 years after the end of the largest war in Europe." With these words, the Ukrainian president began his address to French students, live from his headquarters in Kiev.

After talking about security, describing the consequences of the war in his country and the atrocities committed by the Russian army since the beginning of the conflict ("Look at the city of Marioupol. Nothing is left standing, 20,000 inhabitants of Marioupol are dead"), he questioned the role of Europe in the conflict. He spoke frankly about the contradictions that undermine Europe: "Why does our common house know separations, between those who are inside and those outside the door who, like Ukraine, are fighting to defend the fundamental values of the European Union"; "Why has no European institution has yet been able to stop this war?"

His speech was greeted with long and hearty applause. Then, the floor was given to six students from various institutions of higher education. Gaspard Sandlarz, vice-dean of students in the Faculty of Letters and enrolled in a degree in geography and planning, was one of them. Behind his lectern, he asks the Ukrainian head of state: "What role do universities, and in particular young students, play in helping the Ukrainian people and enabling the liberation of Ukraine?"

And Volodymyr Zelensky replied: "In Ukraine, the youth has invested to defend its territory, our youth is at war. It is committed and wants to fight to save the country and defend our independence. Energy is a great force and the youth have this energy".

President Zelensky ended this hour of dialogue by expressing his gratitude to those in France who support his country, welcome its people, including researchers and Ukrainian students, and invited everyone "to come and visit Ukraine once the war is over".


Watch the entire broadcast (in French):

60 minutes avec Volodymyr Zelensky - en direct de Kiev


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