Océan : l’Agence nationale de recherche soutient un projet porté par Sorbonne Université
  • Research

Ocean: the National Research Agency supports a Sorbonne University project

Sorbonne University is the winner of the call for projects "An Ocean of Solutions" of the "Priority Research Program" (PPR) of PIA 3. The FUTURE-OBS project, led by Éric Thiébaut, professor at Sorbonne University, was selected among 22 other proposals.

Today, between 3.3 and 3.6 billion people depend on marine coastal ecosystems that are already highly vulnerable to global warming. Increasing pressure from human activities and climate change threaten the sustainability and resilience of these ecological and socio-economic systems. 

Long-term observation of coastal environments, biodiversity and associated socio-economic uses is essential to understand the functioning and dynamics of such socio-ecosystems, to manage risks and to evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of public policies.

"The fundamental objective of FUTURE-OBS is to propose systemic and targeted strategies for multi-scale and multidisciplinary observations of socio-ecosystems in areas identified as having high stakes, such as maritime façades exposed to numerous pressures, marine protected areas and aquaculture zones," explains Éric Thiébaut, professor of marine biology at the Sorbonne University, in his application file.

The development of these enhanced observatories will lead to the development of new indicators to monitor and fully understand the functioning and trajectories of coastal socio-ecosystems. It will also facilitate the implementation of eco-responsible sustainable development initiatives designed to address key environmental issues.

It will take six years to implement and complete this large-scale project.

The partners involved

The ambition of FUTURE-OBS is to rely on a strong co-construction approach that associates scientists from different fields (oceanography, ecology, economic and social sciences) with operational actors (managers, public and private stakeholders, political decision makers).

The following are involved in this project :

  • The CNRS
  • The MNHN
  • The Ifremer
  • The National Foundation of Political Sciences
  • The network of marine universities: Université Littoral Côte d'Opale, Université de Nantes, Université de Bordeaux, Université de Montpellier and Aix-Marseille Université
  • The French Office of Biodiversity


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The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

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